Triacontanol is a natural potent plant growth regulator found in epicuticular waxes
Improving photosynthesis, the fundamental process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy, is a key area of research with great potential for enhancing sustainable agricultural productivity
It is commonly used to enhance crop production, growth, yield, photosynthesis, protein synthesis, uptake of water and nutrients, nitrogen-fixation, enzymes activities and contents of free amino acids
Can help improve the rate and extent of plant recovery from stress, application of selective herbicides or suffering from adverse climatic conditions
Helps to increase cell widening and thickening
Helps increase mineral uptake from soil
Helps to promote more tillering
Helps to increase root mass and length
Helps to increase plant protein
Available in 2.5 Litre and 5 Litre options
Application rate 25-50mls per/Ha
Apply with Gibboost and Liquid Nitrogen
Must be used with Surfactant for best results
You can find more details in our blog click here
Uncontrolled vs Liquid N, Gibboost & EnergHi