Pasture Boost Pack

The Pasture Boost Pack contains Gibboost / EnergHi / Surfactant, delivered nation wide to your farm


Add to Liquid fertiliser applications, Liquid N and your Tow and Fert machine,

Do not spray if raining or rain is likely within 2 hours of spraying to ensure effective absorption onto leaf surfaces.

At recommended application rates, initial D/M responses can range from 200-800 kg DM/ha around four weeks after application.

Say the products costs you $9/Ha incl the cost of surfactant and you get 300 kg DM/ha this is a cost of approx 3c/kg DM, plus any application costs, if you combine Gibboost with N both can be applied in the one application cost.

You can find more details in our blog click here

Pasture Boost Pack contains Gibboost/EnergHi/Surfactant